Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We finished it!

This is the video my friend, Lisa Paul, and I created for our Issues in Organizational Communication class. We're both religion majors and Pre-Seminarian students at Ohio Northern University. So, we wanted to produce a video that we could add to our portfolio. In the video, prospective young adult clergy discuss the future of the UM church regarding cross-racial and cross-cultural appointments. 

Check it out!!! (and let me know what you HONESTLY think) 

UPDATED volume settings!

Thank you to all who were involved. You're support, encouragement and inspiration was priceless. Encore!

as always...

In Christ,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Internship Orientation!

Sorry for the delay...

Last weekend the Next Generation Leadership Interns gathered at the West Ohio Conference Center for an orientation. It was facilitated by Jill Moore, David Cofer, Paul Risler, David Allen, and Ian Strickland. All of you did a very nice job, thank you!

Paul filled in the morning with an interesting presentation. He made two lists; one listed the most commonly discussed topics in church board meeting and the other listed the concerns of the world. Some examples...

Concerns of the Church
Service start times
Carpet color
Building/property usage

Concerns of the World

My first thought was "how unfortunate". My next thoughts were "will that be me? and how can I prevent this from happening? this isn't what ministry is supposed to be about."

Paul continued by talking about ministry's purpose. The purpose is to share the Gospel. What is the Gospel? The good news of Jesus Christ, by whom all should repent and believe with the coming Kingdom of God. According to the Lord's Prayer, the Kingdom of God is a present reality. "...thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

Reflection: What does ministry look like for your life? If you are called into full-time vocational ministry, what does that look like? Will you be a part of God's Kingdom, a part of its growth?

My thoughts: The path seems shorter if you trust the one guiding you. Trust the Lord! Have faith! and live IN THE MOMENT!

This is the video Paul showed about how God views the world...

These are the thoughts that I will carry with me throughout the summer. We'll see how they play into my experience!