Saturday, August 28, 2010

"the me I want to be" Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Surrender: The One Decision That Always Helps


"I will keep this area, this pattern, this relationship under my own control. I will hang on to this grudge. I will enjoy the pleasure I get from this habit. I know you want full surrender but I don't trust you."

I will... and I know... but... I DON'T...

When I read this quote I immediately thought, "Wow...that really hits home right now." I consider myself a faithful servant of God. Someone who has truly given her life to Christ in such a way that it is no longer her own. Many of the decisions I made have felt like true leaps of faith (but that's a long story, for another post, at another time). However, there is one thing that is hard for me to surrender to God, to completely relinquish control of.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"the me I want to be" Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Find Out How You Grow


"The Bible does not say you are God's appliance; it says you are his masterpiece. Appliances get mass-produced. Masterpieces get hand-crafted."

What an awesome perspective to adopt!? There is a stark difference between an appliance and a masterpiece. The way they are created, treated, shared, engaged, valued, ... the list goes on. It is important to think about how God perceives each one of us. We have to perceive ourselves that way too. There is not a one size fits all approach to our lives, our circumstance, our spiritual devotion and discipline. Engage in those things that feed you when it comes to devoting time to God. This doesn't mean that discipline is easy...