If you haven't noticed... I stopped posting.
At first this wasn't intentional but slowly became such. I fully intend on continuing to blog on this site. When I return, the blog will be tailored to fit the interests of the single, young adult, woman, following a call in ministry through my reflections on life (as a single... young adult... woman... following a... call... in ministry). I'm also in the midst of redesigning this page to portray more aspects of my life and who I've grown to be. While I was in college this was a place where I shared reflections as I grew in my faith. I needed to revisit the purpose and spend some time re-branding this site. Thank you for your patience as I continue to work through that process.
In the meantime...
I began writing for a few online magazines and other blogs! I will post all of those articles here as well. The first is an article for The Next Great Generation (TNGG) on the media hype surrounding Amy Chua, the Tiger Mom. Feel free to share your thoughts and, as always, enjoy!
Anyone who is anyone has noticed the recent hype about the so-called “Tiger Mom.” It started with the Wall Street Journal and made its rounds through Time Magazine, the New York Post,Good Morning America, NPR, PBS and eventually into most local news sources—the hype around the claim for superiority of Chinese parenting has infiltrated every media channel available. The WSJ excerpt from Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, sparked the desire to challenge her perspective and defend one’s own in any parent who thinks they are decently raising their children. So let’s all give a standing ovation to the marketing professionals at Penguin Press for landing the WSJ placement!