Hey there! I wanted to let everyone know that I am moving my blogging presence to liveinministry.wordpress.com. After attempting to redesign this blog for a few months I simply gave up and started over... in the end it was much easier.
Check out the new page and browse around... I'll be posting more regularly. I promise!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
#vocare 3-15
Last week was our first open chat and it turned out great. We had some interesting discussion about the effects of the decision to follow a call on family and how to deal with naysayers. Check it out!
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
Ready for #vocare :) It will be my first one. So excited to find a community here while I discern my calling. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Hey #vocare tweeps!
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
davidclyell David Lyell
Hey #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
tonight I planned on an open chat so... anything on your mind/heart?#vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
I'm new to the whole thing - I'm starting to respond to my call. Any advice? #vocare
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
#vocare 3-8
Last week was our first open chat and it turned out great. We had some interesting discussion about the effects of the decision to follow a call on family and how to deal with naysayers. Check it out! (Tonight's topic is work/life balance)
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
Ready for #vocare :) It will be my first one. So excited to find a community here while I discern my calling. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Hey #vocare tweeps!
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
davidclyell David Lyell
Hey #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
tonight I planned on an open chat so... anything on your mind/heart?#vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
I'm new to the whole thing - I'm starting to respond to my call. Any advice? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry #vocare my number one suggestion is that you have a mentor, a mentee, and a peer mentoring group
davidclyell David Lyell
@TAShanks #vocare Yup, its wonderful if that support group can include your parents but even more important if it doesnt
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell I asked my mom to promise to support me if this is my path-she doesn't think I'm meant to be a minister-but she agreed#vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks I've luckily found an exceptional mentor - the pastor of church I'm now attending. she's awesome. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
I just saw @SclMinistry 's question about dealing with naysayer...anyone have thoughts? #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks Thanks for sharing that again. It's funny - the people I thought wouldn't support me are, but those I expect to aren't#vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare I've seen parents be supportive and not. Its much more fun if you win them over.
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@TheAnnaG #vocare it's been the hardest on my gpa bc he's a money man and is afraid I'll be poor 4ever ... I try to be assuring throughfaith
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
#vocare @TheAnnaG but there is still the underlying fear and trust issue that I will struggle financially for ever :/
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry #vocare struggle with parents was mediated showing confidence in my relationship w/God and knowing that God would come through
TheAnnaG annag
@TAShanks #vocare and that's a reality. How do we encourage our families to trust God w/ our finances when we struggle with that ourselves?
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
Hi #vocare peeps.
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@TheAnnaG #vocare in weak moments I remind myself that in strong moments I'm confident money will never satisfy/fulfill my spiritual needs
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare "For Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown."
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell wow! so appropriate. There's always a message, isn't there? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@davidclyell #vocare Awesome reminder! so true
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
I'm here, just fyi #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry #vocare thats not an easy process... It was easier for me than my friends because I've always been overly independent
davidclyell David Lyell
@ithinkyoureneat #vocare how do you plan on using your ability to be rear-ended in ministry?
davidclyell David Lyell
@ithinkyoureneat #vocare ....i mean I love you, welcome!
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry it actually stems from trust/abandonment issues that I never realized impacted my life in so many ways #vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@ithinkyoureneat the strong silent type has arrived #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
@DavidcLyell I just say I'm at #vocare because I have nothing to say.
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks Isn't it amazing how things you think you're finished with come back to "haunt" you? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@davidclyell #vocare I just realized how present it is at a spiritual retreat a couple weeks ago and was able to start addressing it
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare dude, working out your calling will bubble alllllll that junk to the surface.
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks are you in school now? I'm pretty decisive, but folks are encouraging me to wait til next fall for scholarship reasons. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry do you mean Seminary? I'm not in school right now... finished my undergrad last May. #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell Great ;) tho, I suppose our own life struggles will make it easier to minister. #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry I'll go back to school eventually but idk if it will be Seminary or not just yet #vocare are you going to apply?
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks i think so, but for fall 2012 - a bunch of us are planning a trip in April to go visit. #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
Off topic, just curious how many of us are from Ohio... #vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
#vocare I hail from Hudson, Ohio. @sclministry
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell you have to be kidding me?!?!? I'm a 99 grad!#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry I reside in Columbus, Ohio #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
@SclMinistry Columbus, Ohio #vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare I thought you sounded exceptionally classy ;)
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
Ok - so that's four from Ohio....where else is everyone? #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell well then I certainly have your fooled. Did you go to HUMC? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare No, I went to St. Mary's Catholic church
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry where are you from? #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
davidclyell David Lyell
#vocare for the love of united methodism, please visit asbury!
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell We are so far planning to visit Methesco. I'll put Asbury on my list - why do you like it there? #vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
@SclMinistry #vocare Its not a United Methodist school, but produces more UM clergy than any other. Traditional John Wesley here.
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell good to know. I will definitely check it out. Looking at the website now. #vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks for some reason #vocare search isn't working tonight, so I'm scrolling back through my tweets trying to catch up!
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@SclMinistry Just moved to Southern Maryland from Virginia.#vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@SclMinistry Glad to do so! #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
So I'm curious about the effects on family & the naysayers convo that was happening.when those cross, at what point does it matter?#vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
@TAShanks #vocare Like any advice, you have to consider the spiritual maturity of the source. If your family isn't christian then....
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
I'd rather deal with naysayers than zealous supporters. #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@TAShanks I appreciate the insight i got from you guys on naysayers. It helps to know that it's normal too. #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@DavidcLyell @TAShanks thats part of scares me about my naysayer - my mom taught me faith, and I don't feel she has faith in me #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@ithinkyoureneat interesting thought - why is that? #vocare
davidclyell David Lyell
@ithinkyoureneat #vocare Dude, that is some great advice!
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
It really surprised/worried me when my mom waffled about ministry, too, she's such a strong Christian & really #UMC involved #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
@davidclyell @sclministry having to tell your ardent supporters that you're going in a path that they're against - tough cookies #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
That, and sometimes, naysayers say the thing that we need to hear. In the words of Oscar Wilde "Friends stab you in the front" #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@SclMinistry #vocare sometimes you have to remember what they taught you... even when they don't remember it.
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
Mom was worried about my job security & that I'd get hurt. Once she saw how happy I was, she switched to being in full support #vocare
SclMinistry SocialMedia Ministry
@lilmeezer YES! Exactly. I trust her so much that I'm worried that if she doesn't support me it means I'm doing the wrong thing.#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
There are also times when we need naysayers to help us clarify our call but need to get to the "why" of their opinion to do so #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen