Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3-1 #vocare

I must start this recap with an apology. I was running a bit late for #vocare last night. I tried to start the conversation from my cell phone and... it didn't work. :~( I'm sorry. I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. I will do all that I can to ensure that it doesn't happen again. With that said...

This week's #vocare chat focused on the role of personality testing and skills assessments in identifying or nurturing a call. I chose the topic because I took both during my initial exploration of call. Looking back on those results, I'm not sure I was self-aware enough to provide accurate information. This lack of self-awareness then resulted in possibly skewed results. Here's what was said:

Tiffanie Shanks
Oh no! Running late for ...

David Allen

secundra beasley

Alison Carmack
Hello peeps!

David Lyell
... is that short "vocation care" or "vocations are..."?

David Allen

@ no clue. Where is out leader @?

Tiffanie Shanks
So I tried to start this with my phone via text and it didn't work :~(

Alison Carmack
@ You made it ha ha!

David Allen

Tiffanie Shanks
Forgive me folks ... this weeks is on personality tests and skills assessments! have you taken one? did it help discern call?

Alison Carmack
@ Yes, have taken tests, both for & seminary & other, and no, call was discerned before or outside of tests.

Alison Carmack
But, the tests clarified that I was headed in the right direction.

Tiffanie Shanks
I took the MBTI & Strength Finders as a part of my exploration process and I'm not sure it helped much.

Alison Carmack
For & Seminary I was under the distinct impression that it clarified for "others" that I was called & not mentally unfit

Tiffanie Shanks
@ so those around you thought that the test implied more than you did?

David Lyell
@ my experience is very similar, my MPPI results are in the mail, but the assessment was I am utterly average,which is good

Alison Carmack
@ Whoops should have said MPPI=blech Ha ha! Love MBTI (Meyers-Briggs). Had to look up the abbreviations :blush:

Tiffanie Shanks
I'm an INFJ by the way lol

secundra beasley
@ I am in the same ballpark as TA Shanks.

David Lyell
@ How do you nurture you "I" in ministry?

Tiffanie Shanks
@ I've learned that I have to stay balanced... Sabbath and solitude are exceptionally important for me just realized this

David Allen
I test an ENTJ but the mighty Jill said I acted like an ESTJ. All I know is that I heart spreadsheets .

Alison Carmack
@ Me too! (hearting spreadsheets) At work I am more a J, at home most definitely a P. Always late, organized office!

Alison Carmack
Have taken Myers Briggs (ISFP) for other things & for seminary, MMPI (blech) for seminary & (fixed!)

Alison Carmack
@ I already knew my calling. I know a lot of the testing and interviewing we do for DCOMs clarifies our calling to others.

Tiffanie Shanks
I really think the effectiveness of these sorts of tests lies solely in one's self-awareness. So at what point do we know enough

Tiffanie Shanks
about ourselves that is at what point are we self-aware enough?

secundra beasley
@ For me, was when I first walked into the zendo door and completed a full service. My heart was soaring afterwards.

Tiffanie Shanks
@ When you know you are where you supposed to be doing what you're supposed to be... the feeling is inexplicable.

Alison Carmack
@ @ Oh yes, this is a good point too, going along w/my statement of confirmation through the fruits of our work

secundra beasley
@ so true

Alison Carmack
When we can sufficiently state our calling to others, show the fruit of it (or buds at least), and realize never stop self-examining

Tiffanie Shanks
@ "never stop self-examining" LOVE IT!

Alison Carmack
@ Not saying to pick self apart, but never forget that we are continuously growing and to always work towards more growth.

Peggys Daughter
@ i think we never know enough re ourself. Esp if we r intent about spiritual formation

Tiffanie Shanks
@ true... I went on a retreat this weekend and learned more about myself than I thought I could. &it wasn't all good

secundra beasley
@ @ I love that repsonse Peggy just posted.

Peggys Daughter
@ say more. Through such assessments?

Peggys Daughter
@ I agree! Good point. My scores have shifted a but through the years

Tiffanie Shanks
@ me too!

Alison Carmack
@ Yep, mine too.

Tiffanie Shanks
@ it actually wasn't through assessments but intentional solitude/silence and self-reflection WITH God.

Peggys Daughter
@ ministry hazard = knowing more ABOUT God than being WITH God. The hamster wheel of "ministry success". Christ have Mercy

Peggys Daughter
I would hope that no one would be eliminated or discouraged by these assessments

Tiffanie Shanks

secundra beasley
@ @ I would like to know from those who have tested, did you jump planning a religious vocations?

Tiffanie Shanks
@ I'm not sure I understand

Alison Carmack
@ What do you mean "Jump planning a religious vocation"? Am confused

Alison Carmack
@ Does anyone know anyone who has been eliminated because of assessments? Usually it's a combo of stuff .

Tiffanie Shanks
@ usually it is but those tests can be really disconcerting

Alison Carmack
Wholeheartedly agree. Especially having to go over every little "abnormal" detail with a counselor. My counselor "corrected" stuff.

Alison Carmack
@ I was told I was too masculine in my interests because I like to go outside and am analytical...

Peggys Daughter
these have been very helpful in developing my own self awareness and understanding.

secundra beasley
@ Did the test results allow them to take a leap of faith and explore religious vocations?

Tiffanie Shanks
@ no it discouraged them from feeling fit for ministry

Alison Carmack
I imagine some ppl may have taken tests & feelings of calling were strengthened so they made the jump. 4 me, already heading there.

secundra beasley
@ that is sad.

Alison Carmack
@ @ Yes, seen this more often. In seminary friends mostly, who were already ??'ing calling due to stresses of school.

Tiffanie Shanks
@ In then end God's call on their lives overcame the skewed test results...

Alison Carmack
@ That is the hope. But it can really weaken someone's resolve.

Tiffanie Shanks
RT @: @ @ and that in the end is what you have to rely on.// yes it is. even when its hard to trust fully

secundra beasley
@ @ it is hard to do this without some type of support system.

Alison Carmack
@ @ It would be impossible and unhealthy.

Tiffanie Shanks
At retreat leader spoke on discernment&said "2 discern God's will we must 1st pray 4 indifference." 2 nething other than God's will

Tiffanie Shanks
@ @ that support system is there to affirm your call and that makes all the difference... esp when we're discouraged

Alison Carmack
@ @ Yes, exactly. It will be interesting to see how the mentor process changes with group mentoring in future.

secundra beasley
@ @ that is something that buddhists are now learning how to do. Mentor those on the path in and out seminary.

Alison Carmack
@ @ I love having a mentor. I think the group dynamic will be neat, too, to be w/others going thru same thing.

Alison Carmack
@ @ Am on Conf. Connectional Table, get to see mentor prgm in developmt & a friend is dist. mentor coord. Neat stuff!

Tiffanie Shanks
@ I'm a fan of group mentoring and peer mentoring

Alison Carmack
@ Yes, I think there will need to be a balance of both

Tiffanie Shanks

David Allen
I can't tell. Is over for the week?

Peggys Daughter
@. Things sure got quiet. Cue crickets.

Alison Carmack
@ @ We've been chatting away about like mad....not seeing it?

Tiffanie Shanks
We did get quiet lol ... I suppose we'll call it a night. Have a good one folks! check the blog for the recap & we'll chat next week.

secundra beasley
@ Thanks everyone!!!

Alison Carmack
G'nite !

Tiffanie Shanks
sorry again for the late arrival tweeps... feel free to start without me next time (hopefully there isn't another late arrival lol)

David Lyell
Awww man vocare is over, I had to move from starbucks to my house, thanks !

Alison Carmack
@ Make sure to join the chat next week (tho I have no idea what the topic will be). Love making new friends :-)

David Lyell
I do have one last comment for @: I am a bit bothered when individuals stake identity in briggs categories. Inhibits growth.

Tiffanie Shanks
@ I hope that we don't allow calling to determine our ID. As we take diff. assess. we must remember what we're testing.

Tiffanie Shanks
@ I just saw this question. is the root word for vocation. In Latin it means "to call".

A question for the readers... Have you taken tests that have influenced the process of developing your call/vocation? If so, what were they and how helpful were they?

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