This week's #vocare chat focused on the role of personality testing and skills assessments in identifying or nurturing a call. I chose the topic because I took both during my initial exploration of call. Looking back on those results, I'm not sure I was self-aware enough to provide accurate information. This lack of self-awareness then resulted in possibly skewed results. Here's what was said:
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Oh no! Running late for #vocare...
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
aeolc secundra beasley
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
Hello #vocare peeps!
davidclyell David Lyell
#vocare ... is that short "vocation care" or "vocations are..."?
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
So I tried to start this with my phone via text and it didn't work :~(#vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
Howdy #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Forgive me folks #vocare... this weeks is on personality tests and skills assessments! have you taken one? did it help discern call?
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks Yes, have taken tests, both for #UMC & seminary & other, and no, call was discerned before or outside of tests.#vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
But, the tests clarified that I was headed in the right direction.#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
I took the MBTI & Strength Finders as a part of my exploration process and I'm not sure it helped much. #vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
For #UMC & Seminary I was under the distinct impression that it clarified for "others" that I was called & not mentally unfit #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
davidclyell David Lyell
@lilmeezer #vocare my experience is very similar, my MPPI results are in the mail, but the assessment was I am utterly average,which is good
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks Whoops should have said MPPI=blech Ha ha! Love MBTI (Meyers-Briggs). Had to look up the abbreviations :blush:#vocare
aeolc secundra beasley
davidclyell David Lyell
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@davidclyell I've learned that I have to stay balanced... Sabbath and solitude are exceptionally important for me #vocare just realized this
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
I test an ENTJ but the mighty Jill said I acted like an ESTJ. All I know is that I heart spreadsheets #vocare.
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@ithinkyoureneat Me too! (hearting spreadsheets) At work I am more a J, at home most definitely a P. Always late, organized office!#vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
Have taken Myers Briggs (ISFP) for other things & for seminary, MMPI (blech) for seminary & #UMC #vocare (fixed!)
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks I already knew my calling. I know a lot of the testing and interviewing we do for DCOMs clarifies our calling to others.#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
I really think the effectiveness of these sorts of tests lies solely in one's self-awareness. So at what point do we know enough#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
about ourselves that is #vocare at what point are we self-aware enough?
aeolc secundra beasley
@TAShanks #vocare For me, was when I first walked into the zendo door and completed a full service. My heart was soaring afterwards.
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@aeolc When you know you are where you supposed to be doing what you're supposed to be... the feeling is inexplicable. #vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
When we can sufficiently state our calling to others, show the fruit of it (or buds at least), and realize never stop self-examining #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare @tashanks i think we never know enough re ourself. Esp if we r intent about spiritual formation
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare I would hope that no one would be eliminated or discouraged by these assessments
aeolc secundra beasley
@lilmeezer @TAShanks #vocare I would like to know from those who have tested, did you jump planning a religious vocations?
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@peggysDtr Does anyone know anyone who has been eliminated because of assessments? Usually it's a combo of stuff #vocare.
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare these have been very helpful in developing my own self awareness and understanding.
aeolc secundra beasley
@TAShanks #vocare Did the test results allow them to take a leap of faith and explore religious vocations?
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
I imagine some ppl may have taken tests & feelings of calling were strengthened so they made the jump. 4 me, already heading there.#vocare
aeolc secundra beasley
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
RT @aeolc: @TAShanks @vocare and that in the end is what you have to rely on.// yes it is. even when its hard to trust fully #vocare
aeolc secundra beasley
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
At retreat leader spoke on discernment&said "2 discern God's will we must 1st pray 4 indifference." #vocare 2 nething other than God's will
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@lilmeezer @aeolc #vocare that support system is there to affirm your call and that makes all the difference... esp when we're discouraged
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks @aeolc Yes, exactly. It will be interesting to see how the #UMC mentor process changes with group mentoring in future.#vocare
aeolc secundra beasley
@lilmeezer @TAShanks #vocare that is something that buddhists are now learning how to do. Mentor those on the path in and out seminary.
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@aeolc @TAShanks I love having a mentor. I think the group dynamic will be neat, too, to be w/others going thru same thing.#vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@aeolc @TAShanks Am on Conf. Connectional Table, get to see mentor prgm in developmt & a friend is dist. mentor coord. Neat stuff! #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
I can't tell. Is #vocare over for the week?
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare @ithinkyourneat. Things sure got quiet. Cue crickets.
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
We did get quiet lol #vocare... I suppose we'll call it a night. Have a good one folks! check the blog for the recap & we'll chat next week.
aeolc secundra beasley
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
G'nite #vocare!
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
sorry again for the late arrival #vocare tweeps... feel free to start without me next time (hopefully there isn't another late arrival lol)
davidclyell David Lyell
Awww man vocare is over, I had to move from starbucks to my house, thanks #vocare!
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@davidclyell Make sure to join the #vocare chat next week (tho I have no idea what the topic will be). Love making new friends :-)
davidclyell David Lyell
I do have one last comment for #vocare @TAShanks: I am a bit bothered when individuals stake identity in briggs categories. Inhibits growth.
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@davidclyell I hope that we don't allow calling to determine our ID. As we take diff. assess. we must remember what we're testing.#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@DavidcLyell I just saw this question. #vocare is the root word for vocation. In Latin it means "to call".
A question for the readers... Have you taken tests that have influenced the process of developing your call/vocation? If so, what were they and how helpful were they?
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