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TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Welcome #vocare Introduce yourselves ...
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
This weeks conversation is on mentorship... Q1 do you have a mentor and what role did they play in discerning your call? #vocare
lstreight Lisa Streight
#vocare I have had several mentors...each at different times of my life
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
I assume you aren't referring to mentors assigned by #UMC? I have a great one, but yes, other ppl have been mentors too. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
#vocare I've had a couple mentors and now that I've experienced the value I feel as though without a mentor I'm at a loss
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
Having a mentor, to me, if kind of like having someone in your life who can offer some hindsight from their experiences to guide you#vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
My certified candidacy meeting is tomorrow and one of the questions to answer is "Your support system". Mentors are key there #vocare.
aprilcasperson April Casperson
Mentors modeled leadership, and mentors also invited me into spaces so I could "try on" vocations. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@aprilcasperson Were there particular situations that allowed for more discernment than others when trying them on? #vocare
aprilcasperson April Casperson
@TAShanks It was mainly watching mentors/people who seemed "solid" and not grasping for vocation - their authenticity inspired me.#vocare
aprilcasperson April Casperson
@TAShanks and then it was about following my own quiet voice, guided by God. Stopped doing what I thought would please other people #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@aprilcasperson So authenticity from mentor and mentee is key... I like that! Thoughts from the #vocare community?
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
I think, eventually, we end up with multiple mentors and not just one or two. The more the merrier? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@ithinkyoureneat Hindsight is 20/20 #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
@TAShanks Is it? I mean can we absolutely know every x, y, and z that was effected by a decision? #vocare
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
@TAshanks - I thought learning finance was a big waste of time 3 years ago, but 1 year ago, I realized it was a huge asset. #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@ithinkyoureneat With enough time and faith I think we can find value in everything ... Maybe not 20/20 #vocare
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare some of my best mentors have been people I never met
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare authors mostly, teachers. Relational mentors haven't happened
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#Vocare does a mentor relationship need to be "officially" declared? & what is the diff between mentor and discipleship
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
I often look back & realize someone was a mentor later. Going back to that hindsight thing. I see the value of what they taught me.#vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@peggysDtr @lilmeezer but without some kind of ongoing relationship are they actually mentors? I can understand with social media #vocare
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare I've been suspicious of someone who offers themselves as mentor or coach. Feels arrogant
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
Ahhh justification #vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@peggysDtr None of my mentors (except the one assigned by the#UMC) offered themselves as such, they are ppl I count as friend 1st. #vocare
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
ithinkyoureneat David Allen
Which takes us back to the discussion of if social media can replace face to face? #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
@ithinkyoureneat I don't think it replaces face to face in all relationships. SM only relationships are limited #vocare
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@peggysDtr Yes I agree! I look back now and see them as mentors, but didn't see our relationship that way 1st. Friendship came 1st#vocare
peggysDtr Peggys Daughter
#vocare I asked someone to disciple me. A spiritual mentor I guess
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
Were there any thoughts on the authenticity comment? #vocarejust curious
lilmeezer Alison Carmack
@TAShanks I think authenticity is necessary in both mentoring and discipleship, authenticity=honesty w/self & mentor #vocare
TAShanks Tiffanie Shanks
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